Member listing signup

We are building a public listing of our members on the BPPA website. This is completely voluntary, and only those who submit this form will be listed publicly on the website as members. Our idea is to make a place where editors and others can quickly see our members’ work and find out how to contact them. You can see what it looks like here.

Name, role, publication/freelance, location, and a horizontal image in original crop ratio are required. Other fields will only be listed if you include them. Please remember, all information you submit through this form will be publicly listed. If you don’t want your email address or phone number to be publicly listed, do not submit it via this form.

The fields are intentionally free-form. If you feel that listing as a “still photographer in New Hampshire” is better for you than “photojournalist in Manchester, New Hampshire,” feel free to fill out the form accordingly.

Please contact if you have any questions.


